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Map provider

Wrapper component enabling the use of API.
Has to be present in order to render map. This component upon rendering ensures that API script is injected into page header and waits for its load. Loaded script then creates new instance of Map object, that is injected to Map component which renders element with provided id. Children of this wrapper are not rendered sooner than script is loaded. Therefore it is preferable to use this wrapper deeper in your component tree, close to Map component.

Component comes in handy when you need to work with map instance, like programmatically setting map center or working with all rendered markers, just to name a few.

How to use it

import { MapProvider } from 'mapy-cz-react';

<MapProvider center={{ lat: 50, lng: 14 }} id="map-id-example" zoom={5}>
...other components


centerobjectundefinedObject with properties lat and lng of type number defining map center✔️
idstring"mapy-cz-map"Id of map element to which map will be rendered. Setting your value is recommended
zoomnumber5Initial map zoom. Actual zoom is realative to minZoom and maxZoom props.
minZoomnumber1Minimal value of zoom. Sets lower boundary for zoom in map.
maxZoomnumber18Maximal value of zoom. Sets upper boundary for zoom in map.
mapLayersarray5String array of used map layers. Accepted values are in constant BASE_LAYERS.